Office Order for BdREN Officials for Joining APAN59 at Yokohama, Japan
03 Feb, 25
Result of the Recruitment for the post Officer (Billing)
16 Jan, 25
Result of the Recruitment for Software Programmer (Backend) at BdREN
24 Dec, 24
Result of the Recruitment for Software Programmer (FrontEnd) at BdREN
24 Dec, 24
The addendum of the pre-bid queries and associated responses.
12 Sep, 24
Result of the Recruitment for Assistant Manager (Project & Procurement) at BdREN
02 Sep, 24
Result of the Recruitment for Network Engineer (NOC) at BdREN
02 Sep, 24
Result of the Recruitment for Officer (Front Desk) at BdREN
01 Sep, 24
Result of the Recruitment for Officer (Billing) at BdREN
01 Sep, 24
Result of the Recruitment for Manager (Finance and Accounts) at BdREN
29 Aug, 24
Invitation for Tenders - GPU Server
28 Aug, 24
Result for Technician Recruitment at BdREN
18 Jul, 24
Invitation for Tenders: Supply, Installation, Testing, and Commissioning of Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) and UPS Battery for BdREN
29 May, 24
Recruitment Notice for multiple posts at BdREN
28 May, 24
02 May, 24