    1. Networking Services
    2. BdREN guarantees the following Quality of Services to the Member Institutions:

      Network Availability:

      Redundancy Type Uptime Commitment (%) Maximum Downtime
      (per month)
      Fiber (Dhaka) 99.75% 120 mins
      Fiber (outside Dhaka) 98.50% 648 mins
      No Redundancy (Dhaka) 99.00% 432 mins
      No Redundancy (outside Dhaka) 98.00% 864 mins

      Packet Loss: Overall network-wise packet loss will be less than 0.5% on a day’s average

      Delay/latency: Destination-wise latency target will be as follows:

      Entity and Location Network Type Maximum Latency
      Peering Router Intranet <15ms< /td>
      Servers in Singapore Internet <70ms< /td>
      Servers in Europe, (London LINX) Internet <200ms< /td>
      Servers in USA (NYIIX) Internet <350ms< /td>
      Servers in USA (LAIX) Internet <350ms< /td>

      Jitter: The overall Jitter in the network to anywhere in the world will be <50ms< /span>

    3. Computing Services
    4. Service Availability:

      Service Type Uptime Commitment (%) Maximum Downtime
      (per month)
      With Disaster Recovery facility 99.95% 22 mins
      Without Disaster Recovery facility 99.90% 43 mins
  3. BdREN will organize resources to provide support services to all designated sites. The service will be provided by BdREN's well-trained system engineers from regional offices which may be further expanded from time to time in order to meet the Response and Restoration Time.


    BdREN guarantees the NOC service availability on 24x7x365 basis. BdREN NOC will response in the following manner to intimate the primary cause of the fault to the representative of the concerned member Institution.

    1. For Networking Services:
    2. Time Period Guaranteed Response Time
      6 am to 9 pm 2.5 hours
      9pm to 6 am 6 hours
    3. For Computing Services:
    4. Time Period Guaranteed Response Time
      6 am to 12 am 1 hour
      12am to 6 am 4 hour
    1. Networking Services:
    2. The restoration time of any fault related to network services shall be in the following manner.

      a)If it requires replacing / repairing any Hardware of equipment

      Defined Area Time to repair / replace
      Inside Dhaka excluding Gazipur City 08 hour
      Outside Dhaka including Gazipur City 48 hour

      b)In case of optical fiber damaged by 3rd party:

      Defined Area Time to repair / replace
      Inside Dhaka excluding Gazipur City 24 hour
      Outside Dhaka including Gazipur City 48 hour

      This time does not consider the force majeure aspect.

    3. Computing Services:
    4. a)In case of replacement/repairing of Hardware to remove the fault:

      Defined Area Time to repair / replace
      Regardless 08 hour

      b)In case of changing configuration and downloading of software patches:

      Defined Area Time to repair / replace
      Regardless 48 hour

Come to office

Navana HR Tower-2 | Level-5
205/1 Bir Uttam Mir Shawkat Sarak
Tejgaon-Gulshan Link Road | Dhaka 1208

Want to meet ?

Sunday - Thursday
9am - 6pm

Need Assistence ?

Call Us : +889666-223736