Other than very few countries like Afghanistan, Bhutan, Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos almost all other countries in Asia has established Eduroam in their country.
BdREN National Radius Servers (NRSs) are connected with two European Top Level Radius (eTLR) Servers at its
upstream in order to ensure global eduroam facility providing full redundancy for its users both home and abroad.
At Downstream the NRSs are connected with the Institutional Radius Servers (IRSs) of each Service Providing and Identity
Providing Institute.
Upstream Provider: ETLR-1
Hostname: etlr1.eduroam.org
IPv4 Address:
IPv6 Address: 2001:610:1:80bf:192:87:106:34
Protocol/Port: Radius 1812/UDP 2083/TLS
Upstream Provider: ETLR-2
Hostname: etlr2.eduroam.org
IPv4 Address:
IPv6 Address: 2001:878::e000:82:e1:f2:6d
Protocol/Port: Radius 1812/UDP 2083/TLS
Upstream Provider: ETLR-3
Hostname: apeduroam1.polyu.edu.hk
IPv4 Address:
Protocol/Port: Radius 1812/UDP
Upstream Provider: ETLR-4
Hostname: eduroam-apan.anycast.aarnet.net.au
IPv4 Address:
Protocol/Port: Radius 1812/UDP